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Let's Learn and Grow Together

Summer Sales Sanity

Summer Fun
 Young Woman Contemplating


Memorial Day Thru Labor Day

Excited about your summer vacation plans? Me too!


But I have bad news for you - your prospects are excited about their plans too. Kids at home, day trips, road trips, vacations, visiting family, the summer months are full of distractions. 


B2B purchases are made and decided by teams involving 5-12 people. If just one is out, the deal can slow or stall. Sellers' morale can take a hit. 


The cohort will meet weekly for 45 minutes, led by Summer and supported by other cohort members, cover tips, tricks and strategies to prepare for, and survive the summer season, and carry momentum into conference season and the end of the year. 

Memorial Day Savings

Book the cohort before May 24 and receive a custom one-on-one coaching session with your Summer Sales Sanity cohort. Review goals, pipeline, work through a big deal, your choice.



Welcome to The Rise of Us, your go-to source for revenue growth. Our founder, Summer Poletti, a former corporate exec with extensive experience in sales and marketing and having founded three businesses, is here to provide guidance and support to small business owners and ambitious side hustlers. We believe that everyone deserves to live the life they've always dreamed of, and that's exactly what we strive to achieve for our clients. Our mission is to assist you in growing your revenue and achieving sustainable success through proven sales and marketing strategies. Let's start building and growing your dream business today.

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